No nasty humiliations occur but all judges and competitors are tough although supportive during the talent’s song. Wish some of the judges knew that their odd nodding of head like a vague lazy head banging move, though, does not make for good television. As I clearly not know Hindi maybe it’s all horrid lyrics of aggressive masculinity and anti women stuff or maybe a dull folk song about weevils in his lentils. But I don’t think so! Some judges speak English but 90% time I am just guessing the meaning. I am only listening to music obviously.
All of this is due to Alvin. Now I will have to be a fan of Alvin Hall I guess, who hosts the new social entrepreneur series. BBC World are running the series on social enterprise with a feature on the NGO I work for. Thus I asked my landlord to change our cable tv plan to receive BBC. So the cable tv people arrived last week and now we have 68 tv channels coming into my apartment and also to my landlord’s who lives next door. Alvin’s show is also terrific but not as memorable as my Indian music show. http://www.bbcworldnews.com/Pages/Programme.aspx?id=350
Format style of the musical show is American to me, in the sense of making singing into a competition filled with drama. But team oriented drama. To see the over the top inane drama and mix of languages see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3j7QznA6G4&feature=related
And Himani Kapoor has already stolen by heart …. Oh, check her out and you’ll see what I mean …….. especially when she sings in English about wanting to make love to me …?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I27KM6vjYpg
I have never seen an entire Australia or American Idol show. The whole reality part of talking to each of the performers, what little country town they came from or how they are chasing fame for the sake of their newborn doesn’t interest me at all! Now Music Ka Maha Muqqabla has my attention as its about performances, on and on, with magical larger than life group and individual songs and great dance routines. Not too much chit chat at all. And if I want a translation I can always go to the English language website with recaps of each episode – altho’ that is a bit boring as whatever I make up in my mind is likely more interesting than the actual chatter between the judges!?!
Guessin my mum can’t join me in this fetish, as its unlikely this cable tv is available in Australia? Pity as we had such fun watching the live concert in Sydney in January, via text messages and tv.
Everything I love of bollywood squished into a tv series talent fest is perfection!