Oct 21, 2014


A peripatetic approach to work and play results in a lifestyle ruling out planning holidays very far in advance. The ability of people to book holidays, pay for flights, accommodation and sometimes even meal vouchers a year in advance is a constant surprise to me. To take advantage of those discounted flights, for example, that are only available in a year’s time, illustrates permanency of employment, location, availability and finances.

Being as I am constantly considering when I will be moving for work, not if, such long-term planning is intellectually understood but personally I have no knowledge of how that sort of lifestyle works. 

The world would be a boring place if we were all the same!

Jul 16, 2014

Colonial world cup fanatics

No anti-colonial spirit was to be found in Indonesia and Timor during the world cup. Across all generations the support for their previous colonial masters was out loud and noisy. So many travellers commented on how unexpected it is, to see the colonial nation celebrated. There seemed to be no reflection on why they would support those, who they fought for centuries, to get away from.

Photo: Bunaken island’s village. There is the Netherlands’ flag with blue, the German flag and ?
When in Dili, two lovely Singaporean women almost missed their boat taxi to Atauro because their taxi didn’t show up. We all assumed that the taxi had been at the Portugal game that had been on that morning. In Dili, live games began at 4am and crowds attended cafes and crowded into homes. Breakfast events were promoted by some restaurants. The Portuguese flag was out everywhere. Including young gangs riding motorbikes through the city waving their flags and generally being a boisterous convivial nuisance. In Sulawesi, local staff were totally obsessed with the Netherlands. Also Brazil and German flags were flying but in Sulawesi the majority support was for their previous Dutch colonial master.

It would be like Australians barracking for the Poms in cricket or league or union. Never gonna happen, hey. Except it’s not like that, as Australians have the option of their own country. We can only wait for the Indonesian nationalism that will come with Indonesia’s first World Cup team. Surely the colonial powers will be ditched if a local team option existed.  Would Timorese barrack for an Indonesian team? Not inconceivable, despite the 24 year war fought for their independence but it seemed like Portugal fanatics would remain the majority for years to come.