Mar 24, 2008

cutest traffic wardens

Traffic hazard warnings

Nah don’t need them! Instead use the kids of that street …..

A wedding of Sal and her Aust long term partner took place last week and their road is considered one of the worst roads in town. Really big ruts and soft red dust piled high that slips and slides in the dry and of course becomes treacherous in the wet season

Anyway with the road works as roads are getting sealed, (see for more on road works: their road is ignored. I assume the road is designated anti-govt and thus the govt won’t spend on an opposition party’s road. That is all guesswork

Anyway back to weddings and traffic hazards. Leaving my place after pre-wedding sunset drinks with a friend, I am warned at dusk to mind the huge hole in the road that is not marked. Well when we get to the corner I see the entire road has been cut up for large pipes to be laid across the road. But for now the ditch is the entire width of road and really deep. At least metre and half, maybe more. Lots of laughs while on our motos negotiating the hazard, as we wonder if any drunk wedding guests will end up in that enormous obstacle, in a few hours’ time. No street lights here to guide us!

But when I left at 9.30pm the cutest traffic wardens ever were available. The little waif kids waving me down and calling out for me to be careful. One tiny little girl, up to my knee in height, carefully waves me to the far edge where there is space to maneuver the bike. I tell her, jokingly, I am ever so scared and she giggles and said no, no, that I can do it. So I tell that only cos she is there, doing this important task is it possible for me to use the moto (had a few beers by now of course so we always far more humorous and chatty aren’t we?). She says no problem as she very happy to help everyone cos “the road have very big problem and not good now.”

“It does indeed”, I say to the tiny helper as I scooter on home