Mar 24, 2008

weddings part II

Wouldn’t recognise ?? – Wedding watch

“tin eh?” is the usual greeting of a morning by the usual market stall holders at the usual time buying my usual veggies …. Its common greeting asking if buying something

giggles, pointing and whispering is not usual. Likewise admiring looks from sellers certainly not usual

hmmmm, think about it, I tell myself. Is my skirt caught up in my knickers? Hmmmm definitely giggles and more pointing. I can see info being passed along the line of stall holders, squatting behind their baskets of goodies. Maybe its not about me. I try to casually look behind me; impossible in the congo line that forms in the narrow space between the floor level baskets of goodies.

Finally feeding my curiosity, the older male stallholder who has been friendly from day one (and thus receives regular buying from me) tells me that last night they saw me and that I was very very beautiful. He tells me all the women say so.

I am so surprised! I want to ask, but not, “How did they see me? Were they at the wedding I went to?” Can I ask them who say me? I am flustered so all is say is thanks and that yes I had fun last night. Many people from my office went to the wedding I say. “We know” they say in a way that leaves no doubt they know all and everything

If I had been looking for them, would I have recognized them at the wedding? They crouch behind wares and I never seeing from any other angle other than the giantess reaching from the momentarily halted congo line of purchasers, for my own supply of limes, capsicum, carrots etc. Was it at the wedding they saw me, or maybe someone at the hotel where I met up with 3 other expat women to scooter over to the wedding space? Or maybe they were along the street somewhere and just saw us from afar on our motos doing that delicate scootering in all our finery?

No I think some were at the wedding. Pity I didn’t even try to see who I knew in all the crowds of people. Except work colleagues and ex-work colleagues from previous organisation, I not look out for others I might know